San Francisco House Call Dentistry

House Call Dentistry in San Francico

To fulfill his goal of making dental care available to all, Dr. Itani offers a carefully designed House Call service in addition to the general dentistry provided in his office.  This Special Care Service provides treatment at home, hospital, or assisted living facility to patients for whom a dental office visit is a struggle due to immobility issues related to age, special needs, phobia, or other compromising conditions.

It is carefully structured to bring the experience, expertise, and equipment needed for home treatment of nearly all dental conditions, whether routine or complex, with the utmost care and concern for a patient’s comfort and well-being.

If you live within a 50-mile radius of our San Francisco office, any procedure performed in your place of residence would be performed with the same degree of care and just as they would be performed in a dental office.

Call us at (415) 685-0011 for information and charge.


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