Itani Dental announces a new and exciting treatment: San Francisco Invisalign

Itani Dental announces a new and exciting treatment: San Francisco Invisalign

More patients are choosing clear aligners for their orthodontic treatment because they fit into a busy lifestyle. This treatment is greatly preferred by adults over traditional metal braces, with good reason.

As a certified Invisalign provider, Itani Dental can now provide most patients with complete orthodontic treatment.

Invisalign is a popular orthodontic method that has already been around for 25 years, although for a lot of people, it seems new and innovative. It isn’t the right option for some people, but the majority of patients are eligible for Invisalign treatment.

There are a lot of reasons to choose Invisalign, provided by San Francisco’s favorite dentist, Itani Dental:

  • Comfort – The smooth aligners fit snuggly, causing little — if any — rubbing or pinching, unlike metal braces, which can be uncomfortable and even dangerous.
  • Cleaning – Being able to remove the clear aligners make it easier for the patient and their hygienist to clean the patient’s teeth, resulting in fewer cavities and less discoloration.
  • Convenience – Technology like 3D scanning have innovated the way images are taken. Now, patients can scan their teeth at home with their mobile device to check in with the dentist.

In addition, Invisalign offers the following benefits:

  • They are nearly invisible for photos and first impressions.
  • Fewer in-office visits are required.
  • There are no food restrictions since aligners are taken out for eating. 

Plus, Invisalign treatment is usually faster than traditional orthodontics.

Dr. Itani, Dr. Woo, and Dr. Smith are equally caring individuals and highly trained professionals. Offering San Francisco Invisalign is just another way of delivering every patient’s dream smile.

Invisalign is typically more expensive than traditional braces, but not exceptionally so. The additional cost is due to the technology involved and the custom aligners that must be fabricated upfront.

Invisalign and other cosmetic services can not only improve a person’s smile, but they can also prevent oral issues in the future. Crooked, overlapping teeth can lead to gum disease, cavities, bad breath and more.

Not only does Itani Dental provide quality dental care in the office, but they also make house calls, make time for emergency appointments, and provide sedation dentistry (in a hospital setting if necessary) for their patients’ comfort and safety.

As a whole, the office has a singular mission: making dentistry accessible to all of San Francisco.

Itani Dental

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450 Sutter Street,
Suite 2318
San Francisco, CA 94108


Monday - Friday:

8:00 am to 5:00 pm

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